About OCL
Optometry & Contact Lenses (OCL) is the peer-reviewed and official journal of the Association of German Contact Lens Specialists and Optometrists e.V. (VDCO).
Aims and Scope
OCL publishes original research articles, reviews, and clinical case reports focusing on ophthalmic optics, optometry, ophthalmology, and related disciplines. OCL also contains interviews with leading researchers, clinicians, and other individuals affiliated with the subjects covered by the journal, as well as book reviews and association information from VDCO.
Continuing Education
Each issue contains a Continuing Optometric Education section (COE), featuring a COE certified article with a multiple-choice quiz. COE participants can earn one COE credit when they achieve the passing score for the quiz. Each article is peer-reviewed before publication.
Ethical Considerations
For clinical and scientific studies in humans published in OCL, the ethical guidelines of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) apply. For clinical and scientific studies involving animals, the ARRIVE guidelines, the EU Directive 2010/63/EU for studies in animals or the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health guide for the care and use of Laboratory animals (NIH Publications No. 8023, revised 1978) are relevant.
Journal and indexing information
- Publication model: hybrid/open access journal
- Formats: online and print
- Publication frequency: 10/year
- Publication languages: German and English
- Launch date: June 2021
- Peer review model: double-blind peer review process
- Indexed in: MEDLINE/PubMmed® pending
- ISSN (print): 2748-8217
- ISSN (online): 2751-4641
- Publication fee: none
Wolfgang Cagnolati, DSc* MSc* FCOptom FAAO, Germany
*Pennsylvania College of Optometry
Editorial Board
Michael Baertschi, PhD, Bern, Switzerland
Sven Jonuscheit, PhD, Glasgow, UK
Heiko Pult, PhD, Weinheim, Germany
Scientific Advisory Board
Involved in the OCL are 39 international experts for peer review.
Stephanie Mühlberg, M.Sc.
Author Guidelines
The importance of optometry is growing steadily both nationally and internationally. Since its first issue in 2021, Optometry & Contact Lenses (OCL) has more than met this development over the past two years. This can be seen from the number of papers submitted for publication as well as from the scientific and clinical articles published to date. By September 4, 2023, a total of 111 papers were submitted for publication in OCL, of which, together with the publications in the September 2023 issue, 83 scientific and clinical articles were printed in the journal. The authors of the submitted manuscripts were from Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Canada, Mexico, Namibia, Spain, Slovenia, Switzerland and the USA. 80 percent of the authors belong to optometry – 20 percent to ophthalmology.
Authors can find more information about publishing in OCL here: Author Guidelines for Publications
Publisher and Editor
The DOZ publishing house is sure that OCL is a scientific journal, which gives the entire German-speaking ophthalmic optics an important and necessary impulse.
DOZ- Verlag
Optische Fachveröffentlichung GmbH
69056 Heidelberg, Germany