Editorial: OCL Call for Papers

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1*Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University, Eye- and Vision Center Optometrie Cagnolati GmbH

The technical and associated equipment development in the field of ophthalmology has taken an almost unimaginable development in the last two decades since the invention of the ophthalmoscope in 1850 by Hermann von Helmholtz. This influences ophthalmology as much as optometry, as examination devices and procedures are often used and performed by both eye care professions. Unfortunately, many scientific and clinical studies conducted in the German-speaking countries of Europe do not receive global attention. They are not published in inter-nationally read journals or are not disseminated internationally because of the German language.

Optometry & Contact Lenses (OCL) has set itself the goal of providing combination of a German-language print edition and a German/English online presentation to realise an international professional discourse. 

By the time the current third issue of OCL is published 31 articles had already been submitted for publication in OCL. Of these, 16 scientific and clinical papers have successfully passed the peer review process. The authors as well as the reviewers come equally from optometry and ophthalmology.OCL is a new journal among the internationally known eye care journals and offers potential authors an interesting opportunity to present their scientific and clinical work to a broad readership. OCL therefore invites national and international experts to submit interesting studies and casuistry from the entire complex of optometry and ophthalmology for publication at any time.

The OCL September 2022 issue will focus on "Ocular manifestations of “Neurodegenerative diseases" and the October 2022 issue “Presbyopia – cause and management”.

The deadline for manuscripts to be submitted is 1 February for the September issue and 1 March 2022 for the October issue. The OCL website www.ocl-online.de contains the author guidelines in German and English that are relevant for publication in OCL. Take advantage of the opportunity to publish in Optometry & Contact Lenses.


Wolfgang Cagnolati